We offer two types of certification: Internal Certification and External Certification. The Internal Certification applies to anyone teaching the course internally at an organization. The External Certification is intended for independent facilitators or firms that deliver training solutions to a client base. Once certified, we do not regulate what you charge for your facilitation fees, nor do we take a cut. You may hold both certifications at the same time at no extra charge.
With both options, you can train on your schedule. You need to purchase one Participant Kit for each person you put through the course.
Can we teach the course modularly?
Technically, yes, however we don’t recommend it. We have had a few organizations teach it modularly, and they reported that it didn’t have the same effect. If you do need to break it down due to time constraints, then we recommend at least teaching two modules together, so they would be in 4-hour blocks. Heart & Mind together, Voice & Ears together, Hands & Feet together, then finish up with Spine & Eyes. The modules build off of one another, so we definitely recommend teaching it in the intended order as it’s designed. We realize that pulling leaders from their regular jobs for two full days is difficult, however you’ll get the biggest return on your investment if you do.
Unlike other programs where you simply learn new skills, you will actually walk away with the ability and resources to teach what you just learned. Upon returning to your organization, there is no limit as to how often you can deliver this workshop to your leaders.
Certification is $5500. This includes a large trainer kit full of all the materials you would need to facilitate the course, a Facilitator Guide, and 4 days of training. It also includes your personal Participant Materials for the first two days of the training, which include a Participant Workbook, Job aids, a DiSC report, a subscription to our LMS, and our mobile coaching tools.
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