• Blending the Traditional with the Exceptional

    5 Methods of Learning

    When you think of corporate classroom training, what visual pops into your head? Lecture and Death by Power Point? (more…)

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    0 1822
  • Facts & Emotions

    In this video, we share insights into the importance of having courage to acknowledge facts and surface emotions.

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    0 1837
  • The Power of Apprenticeship

    When should the training wheels come off?

    My son is five years old and has recently learned to ride a bike. He has been so excited about this that we spend much of our weekends biking around the neighborhood. (more…)

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    0 1592
  • Personify Leadership – Delegation

    In this short video, we share some further insights into the challenges of delegation and what we can do to overcome them. Delegation is important in helping organizations grow and become more effective.

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    0 2019
  • Delegation Success Stories

    Delegation is not always easy to do. In the Personify Leadership program, participants identify many obstacles to effective delegation. But these obstacles are not insurmountable, they are just part of the learning process. (more…)

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    0 5419
  • Leadership Capacity

    My family and I just got back from a camping trip. We camped out near Salida, CO in the Arkansas River Valley. It was a wonderful trip with my three nieces, who had never been to Colorado before, and my two boys. Upon our return the mountain of laundry in my laundry room was a little overwhelming. (more…)

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    0 2174
  • Three Reasons Delegation Fails

    Delegation is tricky and full of potential pitfalls. When we do it well we develop and grow others. When we don’t, we create sabotage. When we don’t do it at all we limit our growth and others. (more…)

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    0 4410
  • Planting Seeds

    Come Spring, the desire to kick off your shoes at the sight of green grass or a sandy beach is nearly Pavlovian. Spending time outside in the glorious sun and feeling the warmth on your skin ranks high on my list of favorite things. (more…)

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    0 1999
  • Unraveling a Mess

    My mother in law loves to knit. I watch her sometimes work for hours easily twisting one thread of yarn through the hook and into the convergence of multiple other threads, seamlessly creating a blanket or a scarf or a hat. (more…)

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    0 1805