Creative Corner: Lunch & Learns

Creative Corner:  Lunch and Learns

by Michelle Cummings

A Lunch and Learn is a program is a 30-45 minute training or presentation session facilitated by an organization to employees during a lunch hour.  They can be a great way to build community, as well as foster learning and growth in your team members.  Lunch and learn programs can be an easy way to develop and motivate employees while creating a workplace of communication, collaboration and learning. The session may also cover important issues and promote an open platform of information for employees.  They can be a more casual alternative to formal training and can inspire individuals for more personal development.

Here’s a few reasons why we love Lunch and Learns:

It Fosters Learning and Growth

Personal and professional development are not reserved for the ‘higher ups’ in the organization, and some companies do not have the budget to send everyone a training or conference.  Reading a book and discussing key points can go a long way for growth and development of individuals, teams and the  organization.  Lunch and learns can also create critical awareness for current or relevant issues that may arise.

It Builds Community

We spend a big chunk of our lives at work each week, and depending on the size of your organization, you may not know very many people from other departments.  Lunch and Learns are a great way to get to know other people that are working towards the same mission you are.  Bouncing ideas off of people you don’t usually work with can also offer new perspectives on current initiatives you may be working on.

They’re Fun!

Mixing up the day-to-day routine from time to time can be a good thing.  It can be easy to get into a rut.  Choosing topics that are relevant, interesting and thought provoking will increase your attendance at Lunch and Learns.  Mix up your methods so you don’t fall into a rut with doing the same thing every time.  Here are a few ideas:

  • Include YouTube videos from the author
  • Make it interactive by bringing in the author
  • Skype in remote employees
  • Have tangible take-aways on the chosen book topic to reinforce learning.
  • Cater lunch or encourage everyone to bring their own.

Ideas for using The Courageous Leader for your next Lunch and Learn

  • Have each team member read The Courageous Leader and use the discussion questions at the end of each chapter to get conversations started in small groups.
  • Schedule a video conference with the Personify Leadership team and ask questions about the book.
  • Are you a team of one or two?  Investigate virtual book clubs, or start one with a few colleagues or clients.

All of these ways use The Courageous Leader to deepen the Personify Leadership program experience and enhance your skills.  If you haven’t participated in the Personify Leadership course yet, this is a great way to start!  Give us a call at 800.495.5715 or email us at for more information.

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